Pray with us
February 2022
Spring is coming and it is great to see it! I love this time of year when the days are getting longer and the spring bulbs are beginning to show themselves, bringing colour to the garden. It is visible reminder that God is at work in his world, something that we are very aware of at IBI.
Please pray with us for…
December 2021
Happy Christmas from all of us in IBI
Thank you for walking with us through 2021
May you know God's blessings in 2022
Please pray with us for:
Our students
Give thanks with us that the new IBI Live class delivery worked very well, with some students in-person and others on Zoom for every class.
November 2021
The new students who started in September
We are thankful to God for a great bunch of new students. They have now had seven weeks of term and are adjusting to IBI life. We are very thankful that the IBI LIVE delivery (on site and on Zoom) has worked very well.
September 2020
We are excited to be back at IBI for a new academic year. That is a great answer to our prayers.
Please give thanks to God with us for:
Prayer update June 2020
New students for September
We are excited about being able to offer our first year by remote access. We have had a lot of interest in courses, but, so far, students seem to be reluctant to apply. Pray that we will have a good number starting in September.
Prayer update March 2020 - video
Our Principal Steven Singleton asks for prayer during this time of the global pandemic.