Prayer Update May 2020

Prayer Update

Please pray with us for:

Recruitment for the next academic year (2020-21). At this point in time no-one is sure what education will look like in the autumn. However, we will be delivering courses. Pray for us as we negotiate the challenges of recruiting new students and getting IBI ready for a new academic year.  

If you know of anyone thinking about studying at IBI, please pass on the details of our Open Day and encourage them to get in touch. We cannot meet people in person ourselves, so we need your help to spread the word about IBI.  

Leaving students; pray that God would guide and use these people in the church in Ireland.

End of academic year. The students may have left, but there is a lot of work for the staff team to get ready for the end of year assessment boards. Please pray that the whole process would run smoothly.

IBI staff team. The staff team have been amazing in the ways they have managed the move to online. The next challenge for us is to manage the journey back to some sort of "new normal" as outlined in the Irish government roadmap for the reopening of society.

Breaking News

Jonathan and Becky Schuster will be leaving us over the summer. For a range of personal and family reasons they feel now is the time to make a move back to the USA. Jonathan has been appointed senior pastor at a church in Hamilton, Michigan. Jonathan has been our OT teacher since 2004 and Becky has been the volunteer librarian for the past 3 years. We will miss Jonathan and Becky very much and certainly more than words can say, but we wish them God's richest blessing on this new chapter of their service.


Prayer update June 2020


Prayer update March 2020 - video