4-Week Online Courses
How our online courses work
Learn at your own pace - There is no "live" class time. You are not required to log in at any particular time or on any particular day. All course material is provided on the course site. New material is released each Monday for the 4 weeks.
Learn with others - engage in written discussions in flexible and facilitated forums
Learn with support - your course facilitator is there to ensure you have a rewarding learning experience and to help you every step of the way
Work towards the IBI Foundation Award
Graduate with the IBI Foundation Award by receiving 8 Completion Awards from IBI. You will receive a Completion Award when you participate in an online course and pass a short reflective assignment after the course has finished.
Any questions?
If you would like more information just email our Online Learning Coordinator Grace Campbell: grace@ibi.ie
Online Course Schedule 2024/25
June-August - Summer Break
9th September: The Book of Jonah
4th November: Interpreting and Applying the Bible
20th January: Christian Caring
28th April: The Gospel of Matthew