Prayer and News Update June 19

We made it ... and now it is time for summer

We had a few busy weeks bringing this academic year to an end, but we managed to get everything finished up very well.

At this time of year getting the opportunity to rest and recharge is important for the staff team. There is still plenty of work to be done over the summer, but please pray for the IBI team as we each take some annual leave.

Staff out at lunch

Staff out at lunch

Staff day 2019

We had an IBI staff away day earlier in the month; we went to Greystones in the rain! It was good to have the opportunity to spend time together and pray together. One of the highlights of the day was being able to spend time with Sarah, who is currently waiting for surgery.

Going around the table starting on the left: Sarah Crane, Becky Schuster, Patrick Mitchel, Anna Byrne, Jonathan Schuster, Mimi Kelly, Joan Singleton, Steven Singleton, Paul Perry, Luohan and Louise Halpin.

Please keep on praying for Sarah as she is currently waiting for an appointment for surgery. Pray that this would come through soon.

Student recruitment.

We asked you last time to pray with us 10 full-time applications for September. We are nearly halfway there, so please keep on praying.

If you know anyone who might be interested in signing up, please send them the links below to our video and information leaflets.

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Patrick Mitchel

The Message of Love, IVP, The Bible Speaks Today, Patrick Mitchel

"There are few greater subjects in Christian theology than love; yet it is a surprisingly complex and challenging concept to understand, let alone live by. Patrick Mitchel’s conviction is that Christians need to be thinking about, and practising, love in compelling and winsome ways. Our task is not only to articulate what love is, but also to show to the world what authentic Christian love looks like in practice. ‘The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love’ (Gal. 5:6 NIV)."

This newest publication in the Bible Speaks Today series is due for release in the Autumn.

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Jonathan Schuster

Jonathan Schuster who lectures in Old Testament graduated with a DMin from Knox Theological Seminary, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Congratulations to Jonathan!


Louise Halpin

was invited to speak at an international conference in Frankfurt about "GDPR: a year on." It was hosted by IMEX and was geared toward not-for-profit organisations and associations.

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Alan Wilson

one of our adjunct lecturers runs a six-week course called "Refreshing your Leadership". The course is intended for groups of Christian Leaders and is designed primarily with church or mission/ministry leaders in mind (though it can be adapted to Christians leading in other fields). To find out more you can contact Alan at


Prayer and News Update August 2019