Prayer and News update September 2019
New semester
The new academic year is underway.
Please pray for
the new students that they will settle quickly into the patterns of study, life and ministry that will enable them to make the most of their time here;
the returning students that they will quickly adjust to being back and make the most of the opportunities studying presents;
the teachers that they will have passion and energy for another year;
the staff team as they face the challenges this year will bring;
the whole IBI community that we would, together, experience God at work in our lives.
We give thanks for a wonderful ceremony and celebration and ask you to pray for the Graduates as they embark on the next stage of their lives.
We are very grateful to God to have reached the end of our financial year (the end of July) with a positive balance. Thank you for praying with us about this - and please going for this year!
Thank you for praying with us; we deeply appreciate it.
Many blessings
The IBI Team