September 2020

We are excited to be back at IBI for a new academic year. That is a great answer to our prayers.

Please give thanks to God with us for:

  • a great bunch of new first-year students from all over the country. Some students have been able to enrol this year because classes can be accessed remotely. We prayed for 10 new students - and they have turned up!

  • a very exciting return to IBI in-class teaching for 2nd/3rd years.

Please pray with us for:

  • Jonathan and Becky Schuster as they settle into their new life and ministry in Michigan. Jonathan started a new job as a senior pastor in the summer. We miss them greatly.

  • Marion and Karen, our new volunteer librarians. Pray they will get a good handle on the job

  • IBI's finances. Like every other charity and many businesses, we face a challenging year financially. We have seen God provide for us in so many amazing ways in the past, please pray that will be true again for this coming year.

  • the teaching staff as they adjust to the new situations the pandemic has created (including a move back to remote access this past week with the increased Covid-19 restrictions in Dublin); they have done an incredible job so far.

  • the staff team, that we will respond in the best ways to the changing situation. The team has done an amazing job to date; please pray for the stamina to keep on doing just that.



May 2021


Prayer update June 2020