IBI 40 years:
Celebrating God’s Generosity

Forty years ago...
The first students started at the Irish Bible School (the precursor of IBI) in Coalbrook, Co. Tipperary. There are lots of stories from those early days: building premises, tending grounds, birthing sheep, growing vegetables in the polytunnel (yes, it was very rural), student work afternoons, living and learning in a Christian community. But the thing that stands out is the generosity of volunteer teachers, cooks, work teams, librarians, gardeners, and donors that enabled the vision of the Bible School to become a reality.


The story has moved on, people have come and gone, but God’s generosity through his people has continued. In 2000, the Irish Bible School merged with the Leadership Institute to become Irish Bible Institute. This involved a move to Dublin city centre after the generous offer of space from Grace Bible Fellowship. In 2005, this time with generous help from a Christian businessman, we moved into new premises in Ulysses House. This was a key factor enabling us, in 2005/6, to launch university validated BA and MA Degrees in Applied Theology.

In 2012, due to the amazing generosity of individuals, Trusts and churches, we were able to own the premises outright.