Irish Bible Institute

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Developing Leadership

Delivery: IBI Live – on site or on Zoom

With assessment. Credits for IBI FA: 2 (when done with assessment)

You may be asked to provide evidence you can study at Diploma level. 

It is impossible for any of us to escape leadership. Some of us are already leading and some of us will become leaders: none of us can escape the results of others' leadership. It soon becomes clear that the health of any institution - including church communities - will depend to a significant degree on the nature and quality of its leadership. This module will give students the opportunity to reflect on leadership in its various forms. You will be able to engage a range of biblical and theological resources and explore the interface between these and broader leadership concepts as they are expressed in a range of settings. You will have the opportunity to reflect on your own leadership contexts and on your own skills and abilities. The module will include guided reading, classroom teaching and discussion, and the opportunity to hear from experienced leadership practitioners.