Irish Bible Institute

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Delivery: IBI Live – on site or on Zoom

With assessment. Credits for IBI FA: 2 (when done with assessment)

You may be asked to provide evidence you can study at Diploma level. 


Our primary purpose together is to know Jesus better and worship him more deeply. To do this we will examine biblical and historical material relating to the person of Christ. Our main focus will be to explore in some depth relevant biblical texts. One aim is for us to be able to put together a united ‘big picture’ of Jesus in the New Testament through appreciating the many diverse portraits contained in the NT. We will engage with diverse theological perspectives throughout the course, both ancient and modern. Since just ‘knowing’ what the bible teaches is not enough, throughout this course we will build bridges to our lives outside IBI as we think through how what we are studying impacts our lives and service within the church. This is the emphasis of the New Testament and so it will be ours as well.