FAQ - Online Course

  • The online course is 4-week long. All the content will be available online, which means you can study at anytime of the day. There is 2.5 hours of content per week and it can all be done at your own pace.

  • The course content is already pre recorded. We are hope to have an short Zoom session on the first week to introduce people to the course (and to IBI at the same time). But it won’t be compulsory. If you have signed up for the course you will receive more details about it soon.

  • You can choose between Participation Only or Participation with Assessment. The assessment for this course is optional, and if you'd like to complete the final assignment, there is a fee of 20 euros that can be paid here

  • Yes, you can use this course to work towards your IBI Foundation Award. To do so, you will need to complete the final assignment.