Annual Appeal

This past year we have been celebrating 40 years of God’s generosity to IBI. We are grateful to God for the impact he has enabled us to have on churches in Ireland, through the life of our students. Maffy’s story is a good example.

I started in IBI in 2015 and was very quickly aware that I was “standing on the shoulders of giants” as I had become part of the story of God’s work in and through IBI. I came to IBI zealous for the gospel but with a lot of rough edges. There are still rough edges, but IBI smoothed off quite a few of them and helped me mature as a follower of Jesus. In IBI, I was immersed in a learning community with fellow students from different backgrounds and with different views. As part of that community, I soon discovered that I didn’t know as much as I thought I knew! It was an incredible experience to share life with both students and lecturers – and that experience was great for my character.

Maffy with his wife Emma and daughter Abigail 

Maffy at his graduation

I graduated in 2018 and expected to return to the Donegal-Tyrone border in the northwest of the country where I am from. I had thoughts of church planting, pastoring or some other service there. But God had other plans and I was offered a part-time apprenticeship in Dublin (I am not a city boy!). In 2020 I was appointed as associate pastor of the same church and it has been an exciting journey.
We have been able to plant a second congregation in south Dublin and are in the process of planning to do the same in north Dublin. In the meantime, I am serving the central Dublin congregation and putting into practice many of the things I learned when I was at IBI.
For one of my assignments in my first year (writing a Bible study) I got a bare pass mark. I didn’t like it, but it was fair. The teacher said to me that just because it had been given a low mark, that was no indicator of whether God could use it. I feel I have been writing bare pass mark studies since then. At IBI I learned that God is faithful – and that has stayed with me ever since.
— Maffy Baskin

It is the commitment, prayers and financial generosity of people like you that has enabled us to provide this opportunity for students like Maffy for the past 40 years. Our desire is to keep doing it! We need your help to raise €50,000 for this academic year. If you are able to support this appeal in some way that would be great. If you were able to become a regular monthly donor that would be a significant help to our financial planning.


Note: We are offering new regular donors the opportunity to sample a little bit of IBI life with a free online course in 2024.


Thank you for your interest in what we are doing. Please pray with us that God would provide the resources that we need for this year and the years ahead.